Expertise - Woodworking Montreal
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Our services

We custom build the impossible

Architectural millwork & metalworking shop

We offer personalized services and turnkey management of your custom furniture or superior architectural wood and metalwork projects.

We can meet high technical design requirements. Our team of enthusiasts is made up of experienced cabinetmakers and welders, project managers, technical draftsmen, industrial designers, CNC operators and painter-finishers. Each member has an overview of the projects and can participate in one or other of the production stages. We support you in the design, manufacturing, finishing and installation stages.

Our exhaustive knowledge of the most diverse materials and our ability to adapt are solid assets for our customers. They allow us to detect design or construction problems, and to propose alternatives to make the necessary corrections. The search for solutions and the desire to provide a high-quality final product are part of our collective DNA. We participate in the realization of residential, commercial and cultural projects.

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Our exhaustive knowledge of the most diverse materials and our ability to adapt are solid assets for our customers. They allow us to detect design or construction problems, and to propose alternatives to make the necessary corrections. The search for solutions and the desire to provide a high-quality final product are part of our collective DNA. We participate in the realization of residential, commercial and cultural projects.

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By respecting technical specifications and ensuring impeccable manufacturing and installation quality, we deliver projects that meet the most stringent requirements. With our serious work, our follow-ups which take your needs into account and our understanding of your issues, we surround our achievements with first-rate management, from manufacturing to installation!

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We have extensive experience in creating original and complex museum designs. With our in-depth mastery of custom cutting, assembly, finishing and installation techniques, we are proud to have participated in the implementation of internationally acclaimed museum exhibitions.

All our projects are turnkey.

Contact us at to get a quote.